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Strong locally, effective globally – we connect women in action.


She Masters Leadership Foundation

Do you operate locally? Or maybe you want start?

Join our community

Get inspired and grow with us!

Do you want to pursue your dreams but lack support? Or maybe you are looking for a community that will help you discover your passions?

Take on the challenge and get inspired by SML projects! Join our community, where young women support each other, realize their ideas and develop their passions. The SML Foundation is a space where you will gain not only new skills, but also the self-confidence to act for your future and influence the world around you.

Fundacja SML to przestrzeń, w którym zdobędziesz nie tylko nowe umiejętności, ale także pewność siebie, by działać na rzecz swojej przyszłości i wpływać na otaczający Cię świat.

Even a small community can make a big difference

So start with her!


Current projects


Leader of

21st century

Application Deadline:



23:59 CET






Application Deadline:



23:59 CET



Briefly about
SML Foundation

The SML Foundation is made up of young, ambitious Polish women who believe in the power of working together. Our mission is to support other young and active girls and women from all over Poland, regardless of where they live. We want to break down communication barriers and reach those who come from smaller towns, where access to support and development opportunities can be limited.

Our goal is to create a network of mutual support that will help young women develop in the areas of social, political and activist activities. We give space to both those who are just starting their adventure with activism and those who already have experience but are looking for new challenges.

After all, each of us is a leader, and together we can change the world for the better!

Naszym celem jest stworzenie sieci wzajemnego wsparcia, która pomoże młodym kobietom rozwijać się w obszarach działalności społecznej, politycznej i aktywistycznej. Dajemy przestrzeń zarówno tym, które dopiero rozpoczynają swoją przygodę z aktywizmem, jak i tym, które mają już doświadczenie, ale szukają nowych wyzwań.

W końcu każda z nas jest liderką, a razem możemy zmieniać świat na lepsze!


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become a partner
our events?

Companies that supported
SML Foundation

Deloitte Digital
Fundacja Santander
Polki w Medycynie

Contact us

Fundacja SML
KRS: 0001094509

NIP: 7532473777

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